Pat Flynn Winning Income formula is based on the “5 basic concepts of any programming language”; he breaks it down for us so, that we all can understand it. It is as follows:
1.Variables Example: Teach and guide Your Child to Love G-O-D first and then, self and all.
2. Control Structure Example :If ( your Age <60 your Age >18// you are a parent.
// “you are not an adult”.
// “so keep on growing up“!
3. Data Structure Example: Parental World Knowledge> Spiritual Direction> Love All> Live Healthy.
Other Family Members> More Spiritual Direction> More Love All> More Live Healthy.
All family Unit> Complete Child’s Spiritual Growth> Complete Child Loves All > Complete Healthy Development.
4. Syntax Code -Words and Symbols Example: E-Mail address:
5. Tool-programs Example; Tools that we use such as Spelling and Grammar, etc.
If we all follow Pat Flynn Winning Income formula, we can not fail. We will have an award winning website; it takes time but, he soon had a very steady income and he has free time to keep writing amazing books that he has on sale. Pat Flynn is a great inspiration to us all. Please, visit his website The Smart Passive Income.
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2. Coconut Oil at our Smart Shop 2 tablespoons
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Please, leave on 30 minutes to one hour.
Thanking-You, Barbara Iris Alsieux, the Founder and the Owner Parental World Knowledge!