Important Health Tips

Channel 2 News reported recently that a lack of proper Folic Acid many weeks before birth and during pregnancy is the major cause of Autism births: this based on a Medical Study. Before I conceived I did a lot of reading about how to prepare for pregnancy and I found the best sources of Folic Acid is in a fortified cereal and I ate it daily once a day. Later, after pregnancy I consulted with my OBYN doctor to find out what foods and vitamins that I should take; my doctor also recommended over 20 years ago that I should have a proper daily diet of Folic Acid by having my fortified cereal once daily and he recommended vitamins so I met the 100% requirement of Folic Acid. 

I researched and found the current statistics of Cereals on the market that contain !00% of the daily requirement (look at the nutrition label on the side of the cereal box for the serving size and the % of daily value-discuss with your doctor what you are eating) of Folic Acid from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention; they are as follows:

General mills

Multi-Bran Chex

Wheat Chex

General Mills Total

Raisin Bran

Whole Grain

Honey Almond Flax Plus Omega 3

Kashi Heart to Heart

Honey Toasted Oat

Warm Cinnamin Oat

Oat Flakes & Blueberry Clusters


All Bran Bran Buds

All Bran and Complete Wheat Flakes

All Bran Original

Low fat Granola without Raisins

Low Fat Granola with Raisins

Product 19


Smart Start Strong Heart Antioxidants

Special K Original

Malt-O-Meal Crispy Rice

Malt-O-Meal Mini Spooners

Frosted Mini Spooners 

Blueberry Mini Spooners

Strawberry Cream Mini Spoooners

Quaker Oats

Cap’n Crunch Original

Cap’n Crunch’s Cruch Berries

Cap’n Crunch’s Peanut Butter Crunch

Cap’n  Crunch’s OOPS! All Berries

Cap’n Crunch’s Chocolatey Crunch

Honey Graham OH’s

King Vitamin

Cinnamon Life

Maple and Brown Sugar Life

Oatmeal Squares Brown Sugar

Oatmeal Squares Cinnamon\

Oatmeal Squares Golden Maple


All the a fore mentioned cereals are mostly registered trade marked.

All people need to have the proper diet of Folic Acid. Also there are so many great choices of cereal so all enjoy! I wish all parents the very best of luck with the birth of your child.

Also, kissing has been proven to have significant health benefits for both men and woman by a Medical Study: my source for this finding was Channel 2 News. It is your partners saliva that makes you healthier. So, all parents, I hope that you kiss a lot and be healthier.

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